Reiki Level II Class ~ MUST REGISTER

The Caring Place 3711 E Sunset Rd, Las Vegas

This class is FREE to all TCP Participants and Volunteers - MUST REGISTER by contacting Nikki Rudy (TCP) at 702-871-7333 or Tina Lund by text at 702-888-2957 or email at Participants require approval and Reiki I certification.
*Bring a lunch, sweater, socks and prepare to learn and practice Reiki.

Donation Form

  • Select which NVCCF program you'd like to donate to.
  • Minimum $5.00
  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Please do not hit refresh this page or hit the back button after submitting. This can cause duplicate charges! If you experience this, please contact NVCCF immediately.
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