Chakra Workshop ~ MUST RSVP!

The Caring Place 3711 E Sunset Rd, Las Vegas

This is the second of a two-day workshop being offered to massage therapists, but we are also opening it up to any of our participants who would like to attend. Although it is intended to be a two-day class...TCP participants may sign up for only one day, if you're unable to attend both. RSVP online or call 702-871-7333 for assistance.


Learning Pod ~ MUST RSVP!

NVCCF Offices 3711 E Sunset Rd, Las Vegas

Homework and tutoring help for our diagnosed students and their siblings in grades K-12. PLEASE CALL NICKI KLEIN-RICHTER IF YOU NEED TO CANCEL!!!


Breast Cancer Support Group ~ MUST RSVP!

The Caring Place 3711 E Sunset Rd, Las Vegas

This support group meets the 1st Tuesday each month to offer those diagnosed with Breast Cancer the opportunity to connect with and receive emotional support from those in similar situations. It also affords those participating the gift of sharing knowledge and building a strong network of support to meet varying needs through open discussion and activities. Facilitator: Andrea Rapanos, MSW.
MUST RSVP Online or Call 702-871-7333
Limit of 12 Attendees - Must be a registered TCP Participant
