Relationship to patient, mother, father, guardian, etc.
Relationship to patient, mother, father, guardian, etc.
By signing the NCCF Client Information Sheet I acknowledge and agree to allow the information in the above caption to be released to an NCCF representative, Social Worker, designated licensed Medical Volunteer, and/or Case Manager for Processing and intervention as deemed appropriate. It is understood that this above information will be utilized to contact me to discuss my child(ren)’s current condition, treatment, family economic status, and overall well-being of the child and the family to determine what resources are needed, available, and to determine eligibility for those resources. I understand that the information provided by the parent(s), Legal Guardian(s), and/or caregiver my be subject to disclosure with the child(ren)’s Physician(s), Physician(s) staff members, hospital social worker(s), and/or their national/local community resourcing staff in an effort to provide quality services to you, your child and your family.